Debunking the Climate Scam
Billions of Dollars -
Greedy Green Corporations -
No Warming For Two decades -
Bought and Paid For Organizations
5000 Years Of Climate Change From Greenland Ice Cores
Climate Briefs -
brochures that show that there is no climate crisis
This page mostly from:
January 8th, 2021 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.
Late last year, several of us were asked by David Legates (White House Office of Science and Technology Policy) to write short, easily understandable brochures that supported the general view that there is no climate crisis or climate emergency, and pointing out the widespread misinformation being promoted by alarmists through the media.
Below are the resulting 9 brochures, and an introduction by David. Mine is entitled,
“The Faith-
Introduction(Dr. David Legates)
The Sun Climate Connection(Drs. Michael Connolly, Ronan Connolly, Willie Soon)
Systematic Problems in the Four National Assessments of Climate Change Impacts on the US(Dr. Patrick Michaels)
Record Temperatures in the United States(Dr. John Christy)
Radiation Transfer(Dr. William Happer)
Is There a Climate Emergency(Dr. Ross McKitrick)
Hurricanes and Climate Change(Dr. Ryan Maue)
Climate, Climate Change, and the General Circulation(Dr. Anthony Lupo)
Can Computer Models Predict Climate(Dr. Christopher Essex)
The Faith-
See also my Wryheat post: A Review of the state of Climate Science
UPDATE: Jan. 13, 2021:
These briefs demonstrate that climate science has glaring deficiencies as a science when it is used to declare that carbon dioxide is causing dangerous global warming. These deficiencies are unacceptable to any student of the scientific method. Legates and Ryan Maue, an author of one of the briefs, were promptly removed from their positions by OSTP director and Trump’s science advisor Kelvin Droegemeier. They returned to their positions at NOAA. Applying the scientific method to climate science is not permitted in Washington, regardless of political party. It is clear that conformity conquers all.
Also See:
Warming Stopped |
NOAA Data |
NorthWest |
Oregon |
Washington |
Extreme Weather |
NASA: 30's Hotter |
PastBeliefs |
HistoryOFAlarmism |
Central England |
Temperature History |
MultiProxy |
treemometers |
Northwest Passage |
Acidification-Ball |
Acidification-Fulks |
Acidification-Idso |
Selected Emails |
CRU Emails - html formatted |
CRU Emails Simple Format |
CRU Emails UnFormatted |
DCPS paper |
CRU_Files_Notice |
False Deadlines |
Hockey Stick Links |