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Debunking the Climate Scam

Billions of Dollars -  Fudged Data  -  Corrupt Scientists

Greedy Green Corporations - Trillion Dollar Prize

No Warming For Two decades - Illiterate Media

Bought and Paid For Organizations

5000 Years Of Climate Change From Greenland Ice Cores

Polyakov, I, et al.2002,Trends and Variations in Arctic Climate Systems. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 83,547-548

Slide from George Taylor



Warmest Year - 1937

Arctic Ice

uss-skate-open-water 3-subs-north-pole-1987 seadragon-and-skate-north-pole-1962

Seadragon (SSN-584), foreground, and her sister Skate (SSN-578) during a rendezvous at the North Pole in August 1962

Skate (SSN-578), surfaced at the North Pole, 17 March 1959. Image from NAVSOURCE

Here Are Some Pictures of Open Water At The North Pole Selected From

Ice at the North Pole in 1958 and 1959 – not so thick

More Open Water At The North Pole Pictures From Around the Web

Canadian Arctic had significantly warmer summers a few thousand years ago

A study of chironomid remains in the sediments of Lake JR01 on the Boothia Peninsula in the central Canadian Arctic provides a high-resolution record of mean July air temperatures for the last 6.9 ka. Diatom and pollen studies have previously been published from this core. Peak Holocene temperatures occurred prior to 5.0 ka, a time when overall aquatic and terrestrial biological production was high. Chironomid-inferred summer air temperatures reached up to 7.5°C during this period. The region of Lake JR01 cooled over the mid- to late Holocene, with high biological production between 6.1 and 5.4 ka. Biological production decreased again at ~ 2 ka and the rate of cooling increased in the past 2 ka, with coolest temperatures occurring between 0.46 and 0.36 ka, coinciding with the Little Ice Age. Although biological production increased in the last 150 yr, the reconstructed temperatures do not indicate a warming during this time. During transitions, either warming or cooling, chironomid production increases, suggesting an ecosystem-level response to climate variability, seen at a number of lakes across the Arctic.  Multiproxy paleoecological evidence of Holocene climatic changes on the Boothia Peninsula, Canadian Arctic   doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2016.02.003

Study: Arctic sea ice thicker now than in 1955

(1955 was before most of man’s CO2, therefore natural.)

According to a new paper in the Journal of Geophysical Research, the observed mean thickness of the sea ice in the region north of (Arctic) Svalbard was substantially thinner (0.94 m) in 1955 than it has been in recent years (~1.6 m, 2015/2017).






100-Year Russian Arctic Temperature Reconstruction Shows

1930s Just As Warm As Today!

But of course there were weather stations before 1979, and these showed a warming phase in the Arctic already in the 1930s and 1940s, a time when it was just as warm as it is today. Example: Opel et al. 2009 reconstructed the temperature history in the Russian Arctic for the last 100 years using ice cores. The warm maximum occurred in the 1930s and not today:   Read the whole article here: http://notrickszone.com/2018/06/09/100-year-russian-arctic-temperature-reconstruction-shows-1930s-just-as-warm-as-today/

Scientific American 1904 :

Alpine And Greenland Glaciers Retreating “Very Considerably

(of course 1904 was decades before man’s CO2 could have had any effect)

From: http://realclimatescience.com/2016/08/scientific-american-1904-alpine-and-greenland-glaciers-retreating-very-considerably/

Excellent History Of Arctic Ice, Scary Stories & Wrong Predictions

The History Of The Arctic Posted on January 5, 2020 by tonyheller  (Local)