Debunking the Climate Scam
Billions of Dollars -
Greedy Green Corporations -
No Warming For Two decades -
Bought and Paid For Organizations
5000 Years Of Climate Change From Greenland Ice Cores
Recent California Water Year Precipitation Deficits: A 440-
An analysis of the October 2013–September 2014 precipitation in the western United
States and in particular over the California-
These are selected from Internet search engine results:
“Confidence is low for a global-
This Summer’s Drought Is Europe’s Worst in 500 Years. What Happened Last Time? (BEFORE fossil fuel!)
7 Withering Droughts
Take a look back at some of history’s other notorious droughts.
Scroll down to droughts BEFORE man used fossil fuels:
The Worst Droughts And Famines In History
The earliest and longest drought discussed in the literature is the "Altithermal
Long Drought",[23] which some scholars now believe was in reality two severe shorter
droughts (ca. 7000-
There were megadroughts in what is now the central and western United States, between
900 and 1300.[27] A megadrought struck what is now the American Southwest 1276–1299
C.E., which severely affected the Pueblo cities,[28][29] and tree rings also document
drought in the lower and central Mississippi River basin between the 14th and 16th
century. The droughts of that period may have contributed to the decline and fall
of the Mississippian cultures.[30] Data from tree rings indicate that the megadroughts
which occurred throughout the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, exceeded anything
which occurred within the twentieth century in both spatial extent and duration,
including the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and drought in the 1950s,[31] but was co-
The 18th century seems to have been a relatively wet century in North America, but there were apparently droughts in Iowa in 1721, 1736, and from 1771 to 1773.[33]
History of droughts in the U.S.
The worst droughts in US history
"In 1994, Scott Stine, a professor emeritus in geography at California State University East Bay, discovered evidence of two medieval droughts that affected what is now California. Stine studied tree rings to determine that the first drought lasted 200 years before A.D. 1112, while the second endured for around 140 years before 1350. A series of megadroughts, from around 800 to 1400, also devastated the American Southwest, which scientists think was caused by a combination of factors including a rise in the sun's energy that was absorbed by Earth, a warming of the North Atlantic Ocean, as well as harsh and recurring La Niña events. These droughts likely played a part in a number of civilizations’ collapse."
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