Debunking the Climate Scam
Billions of Dollars -
Greedy Green Corporations -
No Warming For Two decades -
Bought and Paid For Organizations
5000 Years Of Climate Change From Greenland Ice Cores
The WCI plan could impose significant new costs on consumers and retard job creation in the Western U.S. over the coming decade while delivering no scientifically measurable benefit in terms of reduced global climate temperatures as far out as the year 2100. This “benefit” calculation is based entirely on the scientific findings, assumptions and formulas of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.2
The WCI plan is based on an economic model which uses assumptions that, if implemented as policy, would largely preclude the installation of virtually all new electric generation capacity in the region except for highly intermittent wind and solar resources.
The WCI plan’s economic model does not take into account the fact that additional hydropower, nuclear and advanced fossil baseload power plants could be deployed, almost immediately and prior to 2020, that can meet expected growth in electricity demand while dramatically reducing GHG emissions.
If the WCI economic model’s assumptions reflect actual policy recommendations by
Western governors, it sends a signal to industry and the investment community that
will almost certainly chill the very investment in low-
sequestration (CCS) technologies that nearly all Western governors desire.
If the WCI economic model’s assumptions are implemented as policy, the plan could
further weaken the West’s already over-
The WCI plan could increase energy costs to consumers and, thus, disproportionately
harm low-
The WCI’s plan to establish and monitor emissions caps would require the establishment
of a large and powerful new government bureaucracy. This could trigger the type of
The laws, regulations, mandates and bureaucracy the WCI is proposing go so far as to give WCI climate officials authority over even private
companies’ organization and reorganization functions.
Ideas For Reducing GHG Emissions While “Keeping The Lights On” and The Economy Growing in the West
February 2009
Warming Stopped |
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Past Was Warmer |
NASA: 30's Hotter |
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Acidification-Ball |
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