Debunking the Climate Scam
Billions of Dollars -
Greedy Green Corporations -
No Warming For Two decades -
Bought and Paid For Organizations
5000 Years Of Climate Change From Greenland Ice Cores
More from AR5: AR5 Chapter 11; Hiding the Decline (Part II)
How accurate are IPCC Predictions?
Another View
NASA (Jim Hansen)
IPCC AR5 draft Fig 1.4 as reproduced here on this page.
Colored bands are the predictions made in FAR, SAR, TAR & AR4.
Notice that AR4 was published in 2007, but the prediction starts in 1988. Much of
the graph is actually “hindcast” -
Modified IPCC AR5 draft Fig 1.4
“Hindsight” predictions removed -
Notice that:
Here is an actual IPCC graph of their own accuracy
Added straight line
Paper: IPCC Models Flawed
Saturday, March 7, 2015
New paper finds large calculation errors of solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere in climate models
A new paper published in Geophysical Research Letters finds astonishingly large errors in the most widely used 'state of the art' climate models due to incorrect calculation of solar radiation and the solar zenith angle at the top of the atmosphere.
According to the authors,
Annual incident solar radiation at the top of atmosphere (TOA) should be independent of longitudes. However, in many Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) models, we find that the incident radiation exhibited zonal oscillations, with up to 30 W/m2 of spurious variations. This feature can affect the interpretation of regional climate and diurnal variation of CMIP5 results.
The alleged radiative forcing from all man-
Why wasn't this astonishing, large error of basic astrophysical calculations caught billions of dollars ago, and how much has this error affected the results of all modeling studies in the past?
The paper adds to hundreds of others demonstrating major errors of basic physics
inherent in the so-
From Geophysical Research Letters
On the Incident Solar Radiation in CMIP5 Models
Annual incident solar radiation at the top of atmosphere (TOA) should be independent
of longitudes. However, in many Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5)
models, we find that the incident radiation exhibited zonal oscillations, with up
to 30 W/m2 of spurious variations. This feature can affect the interpretation of
regional climate and diurnal variation of CMIP5 results. This oscillation is also
found in the Community Earth System Model (CESM). We show that this feature is caused
by temporal sampling errors in the calculation of the solar zenith angle. The sampling
error can cause zonal oscillations of surface clear-
DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063239
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